Wednesday, May 26, 2010

New Garbo Diorama

Okay, so I had to make some new pictures for the wall. The first ones were so lovely and I did get permission from the owner before using them but she didn't understand that I was going to use them in my diorama and take pictures to share with my friends. So sadly I will delete them after this posting. That's okay, they were special to her so I respect that. It gave me an opportunity to create something completely different. So here are a couple of set ups. The first one is dedicated to the great Gretta Garbo, one of my favorites of the old Hollywood era. What a unique beauty.

I wanted to see what the arrangement would look like with the couch and then with the wall table, to see which I liked better. I couldn't decide because I loved them both.

The "art" was created by using filters in my picture program to make them look like they were hand painted. For now they have computer frames but I am in the process of making real wooden frames them that should really make a huge difference.

I thought Gretta made a wonderful wall display, but wait! There's more to come!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok you just blow me away!! So I'm hoping you are going to sell postcard sized cards of these on Etsy??? that would be awesome! You need to they are really good. You could do romantic scenes for valentines, the picnic one could be a great invitation to a bbq etc....oh the possibilities.LOL You probably already thought of all that;)clever gal that you are!